inspired by love
Solianik Kirill

Art is a virtue that I use to fill this Universe with Love and Peace.
Let's amplify our rays and shape our best future together.

"Don't jump if you don't believe that you can fly.

When you jump there is no way to lose belief."

On the way to the oscars
Solianik Kirill (1999)
I was a formal bachelor's degree lawyer.
I worked as a fitness trainer and soccer player.
I've been volunteering as an eco-activist for 1 year in Bulgaria.
I hitchhiked to a nudist beach where I had been living for 2 weeks.
I'm an actor and spirit who is madly in love with experiencing life.
"Enjoy the journey during infinite growing as a person, professional, and soul."
My goal is to create a world in which
◻ are no wars, hatred, and pollution ◻
◻ you can smile sincerely and watch into other people's eyes without fear ◻
◻ people can share their truth and deep feelings without being judged ◻
◻ people treat other living beings in the Universe as equals ◻

*** I know I'm selfish, but I badly want it, and I will make it come true! ***
Acting for me is about
living to the fullest
  • being honestly expressed and understood
  • opportunity to leave the social masks
  • go beyond mind and personal borders
  • gaining new skills and knowledge
  • expanding worldviews
  • having fun while hard-working
  • co-creation and co-inspiration
  • fostering and sharing love
  • raising important questions for generations
  • shaping our joint better future today
Every day I repeat these lines to myself...

Everything starts with pure sincerity to yourself

Remember your goals, callings, and values

You are much more than your body, mind, feelings and spirit

Take responsibility for your life, choices, failures, and emotions

Shine inside during dark periods and never lose belief

Cry when it's crying; laugh when it's laughing; let it flow

Be open to the challenges and uncertainty

There is only one life, day, and moment now

Love and support unconditionally

Take risks if they arise in your mind

Trust your guts and the Universe

Be the lead role in your life story

Humans need humans

Enjoy the journey

Just keep living

It has changed my life

The Lee Strasberg Method. The day of our acquaintance, I realized that I had never truly filmed and perform before. For me, it became the ritual of my life that allows me to not only act in movies but also live wholeheartedly. I'm not only taking classes on the Acting Method. I conduct them too as a couch while combining them with other psychological and spiritual practices that I have learned before. I want to join this movement of the Methodists at the Lee Strasberg Cinema and Theater Institute to continue sharing tools for self-revelation, acting preparation, and immense happiness.

"Nothing in the outer world can make you truly happy or disturbed.

All your states love, hatred, joy, sadness, generosity, or jealousy everything starts and are stored within you. Notice it. Clean it up. And bear inside what you want to experience, and then share outside."

Think big and act big dear

Books and films that influenced and built me the most

Freedom from the known

One flew over the coocoo's nest

7 years in Tibet

A true detective

Eternal shining of the spotless mind

Green light

To have or to be

A brief history of tomorrow

Man’s search for meaning

Only ''YOU'' knows your deepest ''WHY's''

So, ask yourself first

what is the meaning of life?

what do I want to be?

whether I need marriage or not.

what makes me happy?

what God and Powers should I believe in?

chicken or fish?

Hobbies and passions

I love tantra and sadhu board standings; nature; crying when hurt; matcha tea; going through life lessons; bare feet walking; amanita microdosing; sunbathing; feeling weak and be supported; moments of solitude; naked dancing; being physically and mentally active; pain of losses; a sense of unity where is no "I"; deep relationships, and cooperation with lovely spirits; enjoying the smiles of passers-by; starring at the Moon.

Masterpieces that I want to star in:

  • Youth dramas about self-development, social challenges, and support.
  • Sports dramas highlighting the inner strength of the human spirit.
  • Melodramas about pure and unconditional love.
  • International project uniting people regardless of nationalities, races, statuses, genders, and ages.
  • Art-house films about discovering the meaning of life, the roots of happiness, and higher senses.
  • Historical projects about overcoming harsh periods and cooperation.
  • Joker.

The way I see the formula of success


Open to you, your calls, and collaboration
+7 926 109 05 95
With Love, Peace, and Passion
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